Hey! Welcome to my blog. Where I can keep you posted on our lives... I say "our" lives... but I know you are here to see Eli... :) <3 Susan

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Eli's Camo PJ's...

Well... they aren't really camo... but they did blend in... I went to wake Eli up to go go school Thursday morning and I couldn't find him... not only was he not where "normal" people sleep in a bed... but his pjs made it hard to see him!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Eli is 3 years old today!!! He has been celebrating for weeks now... first with his visit from Mammy, Grandma, Aunt Renee and Aunt Becca who took him on a birthday shopping spree. Then his visit to Henderson to have a party with Linda, Baboon, Gigi, Feisty and Louie. Saturday he went to the Virginia Beach Aquarium with his Mawmaw, Pawpaw, Mommy and Daddy, Sunday he had a "party" at Burger King with his friends Hannah and Lindsey, then today he had cupcakes and a party at school, finally with the delivery of a balloon boquet from his family in West Virginia the marathon birthday has ended... and Eli is 3... You can see some highlights from the aquarium and Burger King below... I'll be sure to post video of his new toys soon too!!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Cousin Ann is making me look bad with all of her updates... So, I had to post more pictures! Eli loves to play with the photo booth application on our computer and take crazy... sometimes morbid... pictures... figured I'd share a few!

Monday, March 02, 2009

I know, I know... You are tired of looking at the fish... so... Grandma, Mammy, Aunt Renee and Aunt Becca came down this weekend and Eli went birthday shopping... He loves his new sandbox!! I'm sure when it's not snowing he will love it even more! His new weed bucket (which will be very helpful in the yard this spring) is his new favorite seat! So, not only did we celebrate March with Eli's birthday... we decided to go ahead and get April over with by coloring Easter eggs too! We had a busy February!!